After a lot of putzing around, I am at a decent place I think. I have a new “Help Heads up Display” that shows when you enter the game. Tabs on the left allow access to other help pages or to start a level timer. At the very top is what level is selected and how much RJ bucks you have.

Selecting the “Play a level now” button brings up the level selector. Here you see the various levels and what you have access to. To unlock level 3 in this example, you have to successfully finish level 2.

When you start a level, the Help HuD goes away and you get a timer and score box. Also, buffs show up on the right that you can purchase if you have enough RJ bucks (in this sample, I don’t have enough for a bomb).

Next, I will be adding the ability to get base upgrades (the “fast feet” level lets you use them, but then they go away unless you upgrade your base). Also going to be adding the ability to choose which player’s base you want to use and to pass RJ bucks to friends.